Photo © David Sandgrund
Get personal in our global community.
Philanthropy Leaders weaves a vast network of donors into highly personal philanthropy that elevates the roles of donors and recipients to equal levels of status and respect. Engage with our community and support our work through volunteering, donating, or supporting us through your professional expertise.
Make sure your giving is impactful.
As a member of the Philanthropy Leaders community, you can count on custom project design, informed vetting of projects and partners and careful monitoring, evaluation of and reporting on project effectiveness. With your support, Philanthropy Leaders promotes international understanding and citizen-to-citizen connections.
Learn more about what motivates us.
From our dedicated Board of Directors, to our significant partnerships with funders, nonprofit organizations and government entities, our diverse array of stakeholders share a common mission. Take a closer look at our story and meet the members of the Philanthropy Leaders team.
Raise your hand today to chat with one of our team members about how to get involved.